Friday, June 5, 2009


Koblenz, Germany

I visited the city of Koblenz a couple of weeks ago - much of it is under construction in preparation for the BuGa or Bundesgartenschau 2011. Preparations are under way for this huge event on both the river front, the Ehrenbreitstein fortress and the electoral palace. Entrance to the fortress was free, as it is undergoing construction. It was difficult to keep scaffolding and cranes out of my pictures so I didn't take that many. I had taken a video of the Rhine in Flames fireworks last year and it will take place again in Koblenz on August 8 of this year.

Oberusel has its own celebration this weekend called the Oberurseler Brunnenfest(in German). The three-day event includes music, food, even a couple of marathons.

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