Friday, March 14, 2008

Friday, March 14, 2008

Rained in

We woke up to the sound of dripping water in our bedroom last night. It was pouring outside and our bedroom window has two leaks. I took pictures and emailed them to our landlord.

As I was sitting in the living room writing the email to our landlord, I turned to look out our living room window, only to notice a big puddle of water on our window sill where the pretty vase from my previous post was before.

Is this the beginning of a rental nightmare?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hallo, ich hoffe doch mal nicht, dass das ein schlechtes Omen ist. Hoffentlich hat das wirklich nur was mit alten Gummis in den Fenstern zu tun. Wie gefaellt es Euch denn sonst so? Kannst Du mir bitte mal eine email mit Deiner neuen email Adresse schicken, sodass wir auch ausserhalb des Blogs Kontakt aufnehmen koennen? Danke, Peggy Morrison