Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

It's official

B (finally) received word on his work permit. He can officially work in Germany as of December 1. We are burning up some much needed vacation time visiting family in the US over Thanksgiving and sightseeing the coolest city on earth (New York) before packing everything up into brown, ugly cardboard cartons...

So I got tagged and here goes my meme (is there a circumflex or an accent missing somewhere?):

1. I'm a Saggitarius.
2. While vacationing in Mexico, I ordered a "Coco Loco" and became violently ill. The lesson I learned was not to order mixed, fruity drinks and stick to hard liquor from the bottle if any alcohol has to be consumed in tropical locations.
3. My favorite color is blue.
4. If I could come back in another life I would want to be a dolphin.
5. Haselnusstorte, Sachertorte, Erdbeertorte... you get my drift?
6. I can order number 5 in four languages.
7. I love modern, minimalist design.

I tag the following (only because I think they have not yet been tagged by others:

Germany Doesn't Suck
An American Expat in Deutschland

Here are the rules:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself: some random, some weird.
3. Tag 3 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them).
4. Let them know they've been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs


Gardner said...

Congrats on the Work Permit. And best of luck with the move, last minute craziness, etc.

Martina said...

Yippee!!! Do you have a date for the big move yet?

Anonymous said...

Hi, good luck!! wonder if you can help - I am trying to get every stadt sticker (the ones on car licence plates) - if you are not too shattered 'moving in' could you spare a min to email me a quick photo of one from a car in Bad Homburg, it is one of the towns I havnt got - Im making a wall chart for my dads birthday next week and I'd ike to have it filled! if u are too busy, could you know anyone else I could ask?
Ali, age 14, London england
I am on and my screen name is aliberry1