Thursday, November 1, 2007

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Certificate of Conduct (the sequel)

The certificate of conduct arrived in the mail yesterday (see my first post). It was actually sent via express mail ("Eilpost"). It looks like a single green sheet of paper with a giant watermark of the German eagle. As expected, there are no entries for B (not the kind of guy with a rap sheet :-) We are quite pleased with the fast response.

The department stores in the US set up decorated Xmas trees before Halloween. Just an informal poll ... what's the best Christmas market in Germany to go to?


Martina said...

One of the best Christmas markets is the one in Nürnberg.

By the way "Eilpost" isn't quite the same as express mail. All Eilpost means is that as soon as it arrives at the post office in question, it's delivered immediately as opposed to waiting for the next mail delivery. Why people continue to pay extra for that service is beyond me.

Martina said...

I've tagged you for a meme! Check my blog for the details.

Anonymous said...

I haven't been to Nürnberg (done Stuttgart, Karlsruhe, Straßburg) but I am fond of the market in Esslingen. It has a middle ages theme and the children's section is great. The hand-turned ferris wheel is a must see. It's charming and not overwhelming.

Anonymous said...

well, this might be a bit judgemental, but you can find the best christmas market in germany on the second Advent in Schneeberg, saxony. it's called Lichtlfest. although it's "only" a local market, it attrackts people from all over germany.