Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Castles, castles and more castles...

We celebrated a holiday in Hessen today and took a day trip to Burg Eltz near the Mosel river in the neighboring state of Rheinland Pfalz. The scenery around it and the 45-minute walk leading up to the castle along the creek were breathtaking.

I also went on a day trip on Monday to see the Rhine Valley. I knew Germany had many castles but I didn't expect this many (about a dozen) on a 45-mile stretch of road. There was one very cute little castle in the middle of the Rhine called the Mouse Tower. It was used to collect tolls from people on the river but it looks like someone wanted a castle and ran out of money...

The highlight of the Rhine valley trip was Marksburg castle - it's the only hill castle that has not been destroyed and has been occupied for 700 years.

And for a little bit of humor... anyone who remembers the Assman from a particular Seinfeld episode, will appreciate this sign. It's where Assman lives:


J said...

I hope you waved as you went by. You were in my area. Lovely, isn't it?

American in Oberursel said...

J - which castle is yours (ha, ha)?